Go Green
Think Green ... Go Green!
We are focused to reduce our environmental footprint. Furthermore, we engage in continuous innovation to enhance our operational efficiency and sustainability. LATT is dedicated to fostering a greener and more sustainable future.

Green Talks!
At LATT, we are dedicated to enhance efforts for a greener planet. Here are some of the steps we take to abide by environmental regulations and promote sustainability:
--Measuring Our Carbon Footprint: We meticulously track our carbon emissions and have implemented a comprehensive decarbonization plan to reduce our impact on the environment.
-- Waste Management: We are committed to effective waste management strategies, ensuring that we minimize waste and recycle whenever possible.
-- Eco-Friendly Utilities and procedures: From energy-efficient lighting to other procedures and measures.
-- Fuel Usage Tracking: We measure fuel usage per trip to optimize routes and improve fuel efficiency, contributing to lower emissions.
-- Reducing Paper Usage: By going digital, we significantly reduce paper usage, supporting a more sustainable approach to our operations.
-- EcoVadis Network: We are part of EcoVadis Network, among many other businesses we adhere to high standards of environmental performance and corporate social responsibility.

Why measuring company’s foot print is important?
Measuring company’s foot print is vital to identify the main sources of carbon emissions. Thus, allowing arranging a suitable carbon reduction strategy to reduce the negative impact on the environment.
In LATT, we have already measured our carbon foot print in cooperation with Masader For Environment Solutions & Energy Services and developing a carbon reduction strategy for more sustainable environment.